A 59-year-old San Diego woman was killed after being struck by two pickup trucks in Fairmount Park community while crossing the street on Wednesday morning May 31st.

The incident occurred on Home Avenue near Gateway Drive. A woman, 61, was driving eastbound in a 2007 Chevrolet Colorado pickup at around 4:53 AM when she struck the pedestrian on the roadway. The pedestrian woman was headed west and ultimately thrown into the street where a second truck struck her. The woman died before she could be transported to the hospital. Her identity has not yet been released to the public. 

traffic light depicting cross walk symbol

According to the San Diego Police Department both drivers stopped after the crash and cooperated with authorities. At the moment, neither drugs nor alcohol are believed to be factors in the collision. 

“Pedestrians that are struck, killed, or injured serve as harsh reminders to the public that roadways require as much diligence and safe driving practices as possible at all times,” said Jerry Singleton personal injury attorney at Singleton Schreiber. “The lives of many are at risk every day whether they are behind the wheel or commuting by foot. It is all of our responsibility to look out for one another. My thoughts are with the family of the deceased victim.” 

Singleton Schreiber’s San Diego car accident attorneys can be reached at (619) 771-3473 or by emailing info@singletonschreiber.com.

Fairmount Park Community Fatal Pedestrian Crashes 

Recent incidents of pedestrian crashes in Fairmount Park community have demonstrated the need for immediate attention and proactive measures to ensure the well-being of residents and visitors. The community is facing a growing concern regarding pedestrian safety. Fairmount Park Community, located in an active city, attracts a significant number of pedestrians due to its scenic trails, sites, and vibrant neighborhoods. Unfortunately, the increased foot traffic has led to a surge in pedestrian-related accidents, causing injuries as well as fatalities. These incidents not only disrupt the lives of individuals and families but also raise concerns about the community’s overall safety.

Several factors contribute to the alarming number of pedestrian crashes in Fairmount Park Community. Some of the key causes include:

  1. Insufficient Infrastructure: Inadequate pedestrian infrastructure, such as poorly designed crosswalks, lack of sidewalks, or inadequate lighting, poses significant risks to pedestrians. These deficiencies create hazardous conditions that increase the likelihood of accidents.
  2. Distracted Driving and Walking: With the rise of smartphones and other electronic devices, both drivers and pedestrians are increasingly distracted while on the road. Distractions, such as texting, talking on the phone, or engaging with social media, divert attention away from the surroundings, leading to accidents.
  3. Speeding and Reckless Driving: Excessive speeding and reckless driving habits contribute to a significant number of pedestrian crashes. Vehicles traveling at high speeds have reduced reaction times, making it harder for drivers to avoid collisions, especially in densely populated areas.
  4. Lack of Pedestrian Education: A lack of awareness and education among pedestrians regarding road safety measures can also contribute to accidents. Many pedestrians may not be aware of the proper way to cross streets or may underestimate the risks associated with jaywalking or crossing against traffic signals.

By addressing the causes of pedestrian crashes and implementing effective solutions, the community can create a safer environment for everyone on the roadways or public spaces. It is through collaborative efforts, improved infrastructure, and increased awareness that Fairmount Park Community can protect its pedestrians, quality of life, and maintain its status as a welcoming area to visit or reside in. 

Pedestrian crashes involve legal complexities that require careful examination and understanding. When a pedestrian is involved in an accident with a vehicle, there are several legal aspects that come into play. Some of the key legal complexities associated with pedestrian crashes are negligence, right of way, comparative negligence, insurance coverage, legal procedures, as well as settlements and litigation. Seeking legal advice from an experienced attorney specializing in personal injury law is crucial for understanding the specific legal implications of a pedestrian crash. 

“Pedestrian crashes can often be complicated to understand, overwhelming, and traumatic to undergo if one is not familiar with the circumstances involved or have a legal understanding of the issue,” added Mr. Singleton. “There are serious injuries, fatalities, or lifelong damages that victims or families of victims are left to face, and my hope is that the family of the victim receive the justice that is owed to them in this unfortunate incident.”

Singleton Schreiber’s San Diego car accident attorneys can be reached at (619) 771-3473 or by emailing info@singletonschreiber.com.