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Truck Accident Claim – Everything You Should Know

The accident experience of commercial trucks, big rig or semi-trucks is no similar to other small vehicles. The accidents of trucks are more dangerous and require serious help from personal attorney to save the rights.

These vehicles are large in size and need two lanes in order to make a turn on the road. The road breakers can be a huge cause for truck accidents. The procedure of after accident compensation by you or for you needs your personal lawyer.

Before filing a claim against the other party involved in the accident, you should be aware of some major factors regarding a truck accident claim.

Learn about the details of a truck crash in Hatch, New Mexico in March 2023.

The Claim Process for a Truck Accident

When you are injured in an accident, the most important thing after aiding your injuries is to call your lawyer. Whether you are at fault or not, your lawyer will be by your side to settle your rights fairly.

Even when the claim procedure differs by states and regions, the main focus of the party involved should be about their personal attorney. In Portland, Oregon truck accident attorney discloses the claim procedures for truck accidents in order to reveal the fair rights of an injured person. Other states are also recommending truck drivers and companies to go through accidental claim procedures for their help.

The steps you should be aware of before filing your truck accident claim.

Step 01: Written Agreement with Truck Crash Lawyer

Before signing your retainer agreement with your truck crash lawyer, you need to review and negotiate for fair terms. The main outline of the contract should contain:

  • The confidential relationship acknowledgment between the client and the lawyer has begun
  • The fee structure: contingency fee, variations according to processes, other expenses
  • Repudiation of the attorney procedure for handling the case

Step 02: Only Communicate Through Your Truck Crash Lawyer

When your legal team started in your claim process you need to limit communication.

The communication do’s you need to know for claim process:

  • Inform your insurance company about the truck accident
  • File your police report
  • Provide the contact details of the truck crash lawyer to the trucking company claim adjuster
  • Get your Doctor’s evaluation about the injuries from the crash as soon as possible
  • DMV report about the truck accident

The communication Don’ts you need to keep in your mind:

  • Don’t answer any question which you are not sure about
  • Don’t get confuse with series of questions they are often made to decline your confidence
  • Only sign the documents after reviewing it
  • Do not share the facts and details about your truck crash injury

Step 03: Collect the Evidences

Your attorney will collect the evidence on your behalf. You need to investigate and provide more fair evidence and facts to your lawyer for a better potential result in the claim procedure.

For evidence collection you need to:

  • Review all police reports
  • Recheck the medical records
  • Recheck all the med visits
  • Call a meeting with insurance adjuster
  • Go through the road traffic camera and review the truck crash again and again
  • Locate eye-witnesses
  • Review all documents and stay alert or new changes

Step 04: The Personal Injury Demand Letter

The demand letter will be drafted by your personal lawyer along with evidence collected and on fact base. The letter will be delivered to the insurance company of the other party or the responsible business for the truck crash injuries. It will contain specific financial demands for your injuries. If you hire an experienced personal injury lawyer then he will take care of it without getting you into any issues.

Step 05: Procedure of Settlement & Trial

After reviewing your demand letter, the trucker’s insurance company might accept it or reject with some reasons. It may also negotiate with you and adjust to it.

If the case is proceeded to the trial base then your truck crash lawyer is your only chance to survive. Your lawyer will file your legal complaint which will be highlighting all the facts of your case. If the resolution ends in failure then only a judge or jury will make the final determination about your truck crash case and the injury claim. The financial amount recovered to you will be decided by them.

Final Words on Filing a Truck Accident Injury Claim

The truck accident crash is handled differently than a regular car accident case. The injuries are seen to be of more disastrous than any other small vehicle crash. Legal advice should be taken from truck accident lawyer rather than your insurance adjuster. You need to be alerted on every occurrence through your personal injury about the truck crash case.

Truvada Lawsuit – Everything You Should Know Before Filing

Are you or someone you know looking to file a Truvada Lawsuit? Do you need brief, concise and quick information on the essentials before filing the Lawsuit?

This article will assist you by providing you succinct and quick details you can use to your benefit before filing the lawsuit.

What Is the Truvada Drug – What Is It?

Made from the combination of the chemicals Emtricitabine and Tenofovir Disoproxil Fumarate (TDF), Truvada stop the HIV cells from further multiplication in the body and this drug has been in usage since the 1980s.

How Truvada Drugs Should Be Used?

Truvada drug is used by the individuals whose partners are affected with AIDs and are at increasing risk of becoming infected. It is an antiviral medicine that prevents Human Immunodeficiency virus from multiplying in your body. It is usually recommended continuing Truvada for 28 days after your last high-risk exposure. The drug alone cannot prevent the disease rather it comes as a protective measure along with condoms and counselling of the person. However before taking the drug an individual should;

  • Get a preliminary test done to make sure that they are not already affected with HIV.
  • Confirm that they are not suffering from Hepatitis B or C; kidney or liver damage; or other sexually transmitted disease.

After an individual start taking drug, he should be monitored every 2-3 months to ensure that they are not affected from:

  • HIV infections.
  • Side effects arising from the drug.
  • Kidney and Liver health issues.

What Is This Truvada Lawsuit Everyone Speaks of?

The Truvada Lawsuit is basically a claim filed against Gilead Sciences which is a pharmaceutical company and has produced the drug ‘Truvada’ for treatment and prevention of HIV and AIDS.

Gilead Sciences purchased the rights for selling TDF and modified it in such a way that it could be taken orally instead of intravenously like it was being taken previously. It was approved by the Food and Drug Administration in 2004.

The Lawsuit is such that numerous side effects have been experienced by the victims, and there are allegations against Gilead Sciences had developed a much safer for the treatment of HIV/AIDS but chose not to produce it as they were waiting for the Truvada’s patent to expire.

Another reason is that the company did not inform the users of the side effects and toxicity of the drug they were ingesting. The victims are hence outraged upon the medical issues they are now suffering while they were attempting to treat themselves of AIDS/HIV.

What Side Effects by the Drug Have Been Experienced?

  • Common Side Effects: The most common side effects are seen in the form of allergic rash, headaches, nausea, vomiting and even loss of appetite.
  • Osteoporosis and Osteopenia: The drug Tenofovir can also reduce mineral density in bones. This decreased bone density further leads to osteoporosis, bone fractures and broken bones. Though calcium and Vitamin D supplements can be helpful but the effects are not fully reversible.
  • Kidney Failure: In some cases, the drugs can increase liver enzymes like creatinine and transaminases which increases strain on kidneys thus leading to kidney damage and hence kidney failure.
  • Skin Effects: Emtricitabine can also lead to skin changes in some individuals leading to rash or colour change.
  • Acidosis: Lactic Acidosis (accumulation of lactate) as a result of damaged kidneys in the bloodstream further leading to weakness. The acidosis can also result in decreased body metabolism with tachycardia (rapid breaths), sleepiness, confusions and even hallucinations.
  • Liver Effects: The use of tenofovir or emtricitabine can also result in affecting vital body organs like fatty liver.

What Kind of Compensation Can the Victims Claim For?

If you or someone close to you such as a family member is the victim of the above mentioned health risks, then you can move on to file a lawsuit as well and claim for compensation for the damages suffered.

The damages you can claim compensation for include the:

  • Overall costs that have been incurred in the medical treatment
  • Income that was lost due to being sick, and not being able to work
  • Pain and suffering that had to be borne by the victim as well as the family
  • Loss of consortium that the family of the victim had to suffer

How to Decide on Filing the Lawsuit?

The first step is to run diagnostic tests (such as biopsies, imaging, or blood or urine test, and DEXA scan) which prove the health risks mentioned above.

If the diagnostic tests do indeed prove the health risks, quickly contact a lawyer within a year of the diagnosis and decide on the procedures overall for filing the lawsuit.


According to research more than $3 billion are spent on medical malpractice lawsuits settlement yearly. This is the number of successful victims, however, a large number fails to prove the negligence or teach an agreement.

Let’s discuss what medical negligence is and how the negligence can be converted into medical malpractice.

“Medical negligence is when a medical practitioner fails to provide care which matches the standard set by the medical board. Injury or the ultimate death of the patient can occur because of this negligence.”

So the question remains that how will you determine if a person has been a victim of medical negligence, moreover, how that negligence will be determined in a medical malpractice claim? Let’s discuss this in detail

How Negligence Can Turn In To Medical Malpractice:

  • Substandard Service:

This occurs when a health care professional fails to maintain his/her level of service to the standard which has been set by the law.

  • Negligence Which Results In Injury:

In this case, the patient feels that the health care provider has shown negligence in providing the service, however, the claim cannot be made on this account if the negligence has not resulted in any injury.

  • Temporary Or Permanent Damages Because Of That Injury:

In this case, the patient must prove that the negligence has caused damage in the form of temporary or permanent repercussions. The damages can be,

  1. Monetary
  2. Health
  3. Disability

Requirements of Malpractice Cases:

The abovementioned cases are those in which negligence can be determined as malpractice in a lawsuit. Now let’s discuss the special requirements necessary in such cases. However, different states have different rules as medical malpractice law comes under state, not under the federal system.

  • Statute Of Limitation:

In most of the states, the limitation exits between the tenure of 6 months to 2 years. This means that after the end of this statute of limitations, you cannot file a lawsuit. There is also another thing to remember when dealing with a medical malpractice lawsuit.

In some states, the statute of limitation clock starts ticking when the patient discovers the injury and in some states when the actual act of negligence occurs. So it is important to find out the rule of your state before filing a lawsuit.

  • Testimony Of An Expert:

In usual cases, the testimony of an expert is required in a medical malpractice case. The expert has to be from the same field that the lawsuit case is from. There are very few cases in which the testimony of an expert is not required.

Such cases are those in which the proof of negligence and medical malpractice are blatantly evident, For example, leaving foreign objects inside the patient after the operation, etc.

  • Special Panel:

In some states, special medical panels are required to review cases before the patient can file a lawsuit in court. The case will be reviewed by the panel of experts; they will review the evidence, hear arguments on both sides and give their two cents on the case. Even though the panel review does not have an official impact malpractice lawsuit but still the judges highly consider their opinion on malpractice when taking a decision.

  • Limited Compensation:

It is hard to demand an appropriate amount of compensation because proving malpractice is categorically difficult. There are a significant number of lawsuits are filed every year from which only a small amount of them wins.

There are a lot of things to be considered when calculating the damage such as,

i. Special damages:

These damages can be calculated exactly because they are the loses incurred due to the loss of earning capacity or financial loses. There are a lot of things that come under it, for example

  1. Lost of employment benefits
  2. Health insurance
  3. Pension benefits
  4. Vacation time
  5. Present or future medical bills incurred due to the malpractice

ii. General damages:

These are qualitative damages that are difficult to calculate in a monetary term such as the pain and suffering of the victim. Under general damages comes,

  1. Physical pain
  2. Mental pain

iii. Lost earnings:

For this, the victim has to hire an economic expert to give an explanation about the change of earning before and after the incident. Also how the malpractice has affected the earning capacity negatively.

Moreover, some states have laws that limit the monetary compensation to a certain extent.

The medical malpractice laws are highly complex and having a good lawyer is very important in these cases. If you are a victim of malpractice then do visit Grand Junction Medical Malpractice Lawyer.


Having an outstanding lawyer when you are facing criminal charges is something that nobody can deny the importance of. However, not everyone has the number of criminal lawyers in their phones on standby.

So the natural step after facing criminal charges is to search for a competent attorney. Most of the people are a novice in this activity and often have trouble finding a good lawyer. Here are some tips on how to choose the best criminal defense lawyer

  • Find attorney Who Is Responsive:

Time is the most important thing when you are dealing with a criminal charge. A delay of a minute can lead you towards irreversible repercussions.

To avoid this problem, hire an attorney who is responsive and give prompt replies and arrange meetings quickly. If they are efficient in the beginning then they surely will be towards the end.

  • Check For The Right Experience:

Being experienced is important but if that experience is not relevant then it’s useless. Check the firms who are famous for their expertise in a particular area.

For example, Moses & Rooth Attorneys at Law have a wide range of experience in criminal law and defense.

  • Someone Who Will Talk In English:

Good criminal defense lawyers are a dime a dozen. However, finding a lawyer who has a good experience is not the ultimate goal. Find someone who is easy to communicate with.

When dealing with a trial, it is normal that a person does not know about the rules and regulation that comes under specific articles of the law.

In such cases, it is beneficial to have a lawyer who will walk you through those rules and explain them in layman terms so that you can take your decision.

  • Identify Confidence And Arrogance:

Arrogance is not usually a favored trait among general people. However, it can prove to be fatal if is being practiced in a courtroom. Try to find a lawyer who is confident and have faith in his/her abilities to build a strong case to help you.

  • Gather Reviews Before Hiring:

It is important to know a little about a lawyer before doing the hiring process. Ask around, get to know his/her reputation, the wining rate, etc.

Another option is that there are different websites and web pages on the internet that provide authentic reviews.

  • Hire Someone Who Understands:

Hire a lawyer who understands you because if your goals regarding the case do not align with his/her, then it’s just a recipe for disaster.

Your charges are ultimately yours to defend. Your lawyer can take direction and can handle the technicalities but the big decisions are yours to make such as pleading guilty or not.

  • Hire Someone Who Gives a Reality Check:

When you are shortlisting the prospects, do include those lawyers who have the power to provide you with a reality check. It is a quality that you will need when going through your trial.

Some people start taking stupid decisions when the pressure of the trial starts mounting. In such times, you will need a lawyer who instead of submitting to your whims, will take a stand for your benefit and will provide you the raw details of your trial.

  • Compare The Fees:

Huge fees of defense attorneys do not always guarantee the best results. However, criminal lawyers usually charge an exorbitant amount of money.

Try to find someone who fits in your price or if all your options are of equal price range then compare the qualification and the credentials to get a better deal.

  • Ask For Referrals:

Referrals are one of the most tried and tested methods to find the best attorney. Those with first-hand knowledge can help you better than anyone in finding someone who will be the right fit for your case.

  • Check Out The Team:

Before deciding on a particular lawyer, it is advisable to check out the team as well. Your lawyer is not the only person who will work on your case that is why it is important to know the team of your lawyer.

Do not show hesitance in doing a check. Politely ask your lawyer that you want to meet the administrative staff and paralegal as well before reaching a decision. Your lawyer will understand because it is completely normal for clients to ask such things.

Selecting a lawyer is a meticulous task. You have to invest a great deal of thought and research for this purpose. It is advisable to not take the decision hastily under pressure in order to avoid problems during the case.  I hope you will find this article helpful.

Top 4 Ways To Start A Workplace Claim Against Your Employer

Discrimination at workplace leads to emotional distress due to the negligent behaviour of the employer. Don’t worry, because you are covered with the employment laws through which you can sue your employer!

There are various legal claims that you, as an employee, can face at work.

  • Sexual Harassment
  • Work Environment
  • Personal Injury
  • Workplace Disputes
  • Defamation
  • Termination

It is a matter of complexity to prove employment lawsuits. You need to follow the process in steps to start a workplace claim. At first, it is recommended to resolve it within the organisation through communicating with the HR. However if the situation gets worse, then hire a lawsuit attorney to help you.

#1: Try Dealing with The Offender by Yourself

This might sound as if it is really obvious but you need to confront the wrongdoer. If you stay quiet and do not raise your voice then the wrongdoer will see it as a sign of weakness and use that against you to keep harassing you. He must know what he did and how you were mistreated. This may help in stopping the behaviour or better he may feel sorry for his mistake. Raising your voice shows that you are not someone who will be harassed, oppressed or threatened. There can be several perspectives to make it through with the offender, contact a legal firm most recommended Pierce McCoy, PLLC and make yourself further informed about your rights at a workplace.

  • Understand your rights
  • Keep emotions aside
  • Be professional
  • Follow up further steps

#2: Talk To The Authority:

Although it may seem like a good idea at first, it really is not. Going directly to a court for assistance is a big mistake. Courts require concrete proof and there is a long and tedious process of filing a case. If your team leader or your manager is at fault, you should talk to the Human Resource Department. HR Managers are responsible for maintaining peace within the organization. They take an immediate action for providing you justice and resolving your problems. If complaining to HR does not help, then you should proceed to the next step and raise your voice so that the person above the HR knows what is happening.

#3: Document The Problem on Paper:

Only you know what you faced. Review your contract and understand every clause, note each and every detail about the misshapen. If necessary, talk to your colleagues. If they also have faced the same issue, it’s good as you have your witnesses now. They can support you in your claims even if the wrongdoer denies as there is strength in numbers and someone is more likely to believe you if multiple people report the same problem in case there is no evidence of the wrong doing.

The last way before going to the lawsuits is to seek help from the Federal Employment Commissions. Administrative charge is what you need to file after examining all the events from every perspective.

#4: Take a Legal Action

Has nothing worked out for you? Are the results not in your support? Have you suffered a lot of emotional distress? It is time to take legal action, the first step in which is to hire an attorney that works for employees. Employment law is known to all, but there is always a right way to navigate the law, understand the claims and negotiate with the employer. That makes an experienced lawyer extremely necessary to win you case.

Conclusion: You may think that there is no way out to workplace injustice, you can seek assistance via equal employment opportunity laws (EEOL). Hire a professional attorney, be strong, win your case, and get a new job and be compensated for any financial or emotional distress or loss that has been caused to you. There are laws in place to prevent workplace injustice and severely punish those who commit this crime. The wrongdoer can be fired effective immediately and also be forced to pay any damages caused as well as be blacklisted and have this crime show on his record, meaning it will show up whenever an employer runs a background check.

The dispute may last for weeks or years but never let go what you have faced at a workplace, the employer needs to learn his lesson. Harassment or oppression in any way, shape or form is unacceptable and the wrongdoer must always be punished. Employees need to be aware that the employer will not tolerate any kind of harassment or oppression and those found committing this crime will be punished accordingly!

What to Do If You’re Hurt on Someone Else’s Property

By law, property owners have a legal duty to exercise reasonable care for the safety of their visitors. Depending on the circumstances of your accident, you could be owed compensation for your pain and suffering.

If you’ve been injured due to a safety hazard or premises defect on someone else’s property, your rights (and the legal options available to you) fall under what’s called premises liability law. In general, any person who’s injured on another person’s property may pursue a negligence-based premises liability claim against the owner of the property or tenant in possession. Whether or not the claim will be successful depends upon a number of factors, including why you were on the property and how the injury occurred.

Slip and fall accidents are some of the most common types of premises liability claims, and falls alone are said to account for more than 8 million ER visits in the US every single year. However, the truth is that any type of personal injury claim (if it occurs on someone else’s property) may ultimately hinge upon this relatively-obscure area of civil law.

Is the Property Owner Liable for My Injury?

While it may be obvious to you that the property owner’s negligence directly led to your injuries, the truth is that premises liability law is often quite complex. Before we get any further, let’s first determine your “status” as a visitor. Legally speaking, every visitor is classified as either an invitee, a licensee, or a trespasser.

  • Invitees are those who are on the property with the owner’s knowledge, and for the mutual benefit of both parties. Customers at a restaurant or store would be considered invitees.
  • Licensees are those who are invited onto someone’s property for reasons other than commercial or business intents. A friend or family member invited into someone’s home would be considered a licensee.
  • Trespassers, as you probably know, are those who access someone’s property without the knowledge or consent of the owner/controller of the property.

Invitees (i.e., customers) are rightfully owed the highest duty of care. Businesses and property owners alike have a legal duty to remedy (or adequately warn of) any risks that are known — or should have been discoverable upon routine inspection.

Licensees (i.e., social guests) are also owed a fairly standard duty of care. Property owners are required to warn visitors of any known risks or conditions that could cause harm but aren’t necessarily expected to routinely inspect the property for hazards. Trespassers are generally owed the lowest duty of care, but property owners even owe a duty to warn trespassers of “unnatural hazards” such as traps or snares.

Filing a Claim and Seeking Compensation

Before you worry about anything related to your claim, your first priority should be on your health and well-being. Do not delay medical treatment, as many soft-tissue injuries can get worse with time. Additionally, doing so could have a detrimental effect on your ability to prove your case later down the line.

As soon as you’re able to, it’s important to make the incident known to the business or property owner. When it comes to a slip and fall in a store, an accident report will usually be made, and any resulting claims will be referred to the company’s insurance provider.

Many people are reluctant to seek compensation for an injury that occurs at a friend or family member’s property, but it’s important to remember that this is one of the very reasons that homeowner’s insurance exists. Whether you were injured at a friend’s house or a Waffle House, you’re ultimately going to be seeking compensation from an insurance company.

Unfortunately, these types of claims are often handled with little to no priority. The insurance company’s ultimate goal is to find a reason to deny your claim, or to delay at every turn in an attempt to frustrate you into giving up or accepting an insultingly-low settlement offer.

If you fail to act quickly to preserve vital evidence (or simply expect the insurance company to act fairly in their investigation), you’re putting yourself at a severe disadvantage. Many premises liability claims are denied simply because the insurance company — rightfully or not — eventually decides to point the finger at someone else.

For example, the insurance company could claim that your injury occurred in a parking lot or “common area” which is maintained by the property owner and thus not covered by the tenant’s liability policy. More-likely though, they will point the finger back at you and simply claim that the injury was entirely avoidable.

How Can You Prove Liability?

There are four elements you must satisfy in order to prevail in any premises liability claim.

  1. First, you must demonstrate that the property owner owed you a legal duty of care. If you were legally on the property as an invitee or licensee, then you have likely already satisfied this element of the case.
  2. Second, you must be able to prove that the property owner breached that duty by negligently failing to remedy (or adequately warn of) the hazard.
  3. Third, you must also be able to show that the property owner’s negligence was the proximate cause of your injury.
  4. And finally, you must be able to reliably prove up (valuate) your total related damages using evidence and/or expert witness testimony.

As one might expect, liability in a case like this is closely tied to foreseeability and reasonability. Is it foreseeable that a spill on the floor could lead to a slip and fall accident? Of course. Is it reasonable to expect a spill to be discovered and cleaned up immediately? Of course not… But when does it become an unreasonable amount of time? After ten minutes? Thirty minutes?

Unfortunately, these kind of “gray area” cases are often the most contentious. Without an attorney on your side who’s ready and willing to back your claims up with a lawsuit, you’re often simply at the mercy of the insurance company.

The bottom line is that if you’ve been injured on someone else’s property, you need to understand your rights and legal options. There’s no risk in seeking out a free consultation or two before making an informed decision about how to move forward.

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